Happy Chinese New Year 2020!

Year of the Rat: New Beginnings

January 25, 2020 marks the first year of the natural Chinese zodiac 12-year cycle: the Year of the Rat. It’s a time of great possibility and potential, and a time to be optimistic.

The Year of the Rat is symbolic of the start of Spring; a season when we plant the seeds of opportunity and watch them grow before our eyes.

It’s a time of high energy and activity—there’s a lot of work to be done. However, with collaboration and determination, we will make progress and set the stage for tomorrow’s harvest.

According to Donna Stellhorn in her book, Chinese Astrology: 2020 Year of the Metal Rat, here are some things to consider as we enter into this exciting time:


  • There are more opportunities for us at this time than any recent period.
  • Stay focused and persistent to accomplish goals.
  • New risks will provide opportunity for learning and improvising.


  • Come together and lift each other up.
  • Support each other’s dreams through words and encouragement.
  • Provide extra support to others as they explore new directions.


  • Remember to care for your body with healthy eating and exercise.
  • Take steps to be calm and reduce anxiety when starting new ventures.
  • Stay in the present and be focused on one task at a time.


  • Exercise gratitude to help you keep perspective during times of stress.
  • New paths may require using your instincts and reaching out for guidance.
  • Take time to be relaxed—enjoy silence, meditation and nature walks.
Say yes to: Say no to:
Being active Perfectionism
Trying new things Worry
Breaking larger tasks into smaller ones Long periods without breaks
Supporting others Individualism